Preventing Youth Marijuana Use: Factors Associated with Use
This decision-support tool offers a summary of research findings on risk and protective factors associated with youth marijuana use
This decision-support tool offers a summary of research findings on risk and protective factors associated with youth marijuana use
This flyer describes the Problem Gambling training that Prevention Solutions can provide.
This decision support tool summarizes information from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on factors that have been shown to either increase risk of or protect against the non-medical use of prescription drugs, based on articles published between 2006 and 2012.
This at-a-glance chart provides a quick look at prevention strategies that have been shown to directly address common risk factors associated with prescription drug misuse.
This decision-support tool presents key findings from a review of current research on the non-medical use of prescription drugs, including a summary of risk and protective factors associated with prescription drug misuse, as well as programs and strategies that have been shown to be effective in addressing these factors.
This resource describes recent trends in and factors associated with heroin use, including the non-medical use of prescription opioids. To facilitate substance misuse prevention planning at the state and local levels, the brief also includes information on data sources for heroin-related indicators and strategies that show promise in reducing rates of heroin use and overdose.