Zero Suicide is a transformational model for health and behavioral healthcare systems.
Guiding organizations through the Zero Suicide continuous quality improvement model is what Zero Suicide Institute does best. Our services include training, consultation, and products designed to support your Zero Suicide implementation needs.
For systems dedicated to improving patient safety, Zero Suicide presents an aspirational challenge and practical framework for system-wide transformation toward safer suicide care. Implementation of Zero Suicide takes a system-wide approach to improve outcomes and close gaps. Zero Suicide represents a commitment to patient safety and a just culture of support for care providers.
As stewards of the Zero Suicide Toolkit at ZeroSuicide.edc.org, we provide free resources to facilitate implementation.

Zero Suicide models the commitment, strategies, and practices it takes to make systemic and sustainable improvements to safer suicide care.

Zero Suicide training workshops and courses prepare your team to implement the Zero Suicide framework for safer suicide care with fidelity.

We provide one-to-one consultation to individual sites and systems and opportunities for collaborative consultation between implementing organizations like yours.

We offer a large assortment of tools, resources, and materials to support your Zero Suicide implementation via the Zero Suicide Toolkit website.