AMSR teaches best practices in caring, confident suicide care.
Our Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) training helps health and behavioral health professionals feel confident providing compassionate care to people at risk for suicide.
AMSR is based on the latest research and is designed to support safer suicide care practices, such as Zero Suicide. The AMSR research-informed risk formulation model offers key strategies to navigate challenging conversations and systemic barriers. AMSR teaches a prevention-oriented risk formulation focused on planning not predicting.

AMSR’s research-informed risk formulation model helps health and behavioral health professionals feel confident navigating challenging conversations and offers key strategies for providing compassionate care to people at risk for suicide.

We offer five AMSR curricula designed to address the needs of healthcare professionals and direct care staff in outpatient, inpatient, and substance use disorder treatment settings.

You can engage with our AMSR services by getting trained, becoming a trainer, or sponsoring an AMSR training in your healthcare system.

Our AMSR services include in-person and online training and trainings of trainers in each of our curricula and—coming in this year—opportunities to take AMSR as a self-paced online course.