We leverage technology to support safer suicide care.
Encouraging organizations to optimize technology-based solutions for their suicide care challenges has been part of Zero Suicide Institute’s work from day one.
From electronic health records to engaging clinical avatars, there are many essential ways technology standardizes safer suicide care, making it more readily accessible to people in care and those who provide it. We promote technologies that make it easier to reliably implement safer suicide care principles and best practices at scale across the entire health system.
Digital Solutions
Become a Digital Solutions Partner
Our Digital Solutions initiative came out of a desire to partner with organizations able to pair evidence-based suicide care with the latest technologies available for healthcare and beyond. We recently launched our first Digital Solutions partnership with Jaspr Health, leading to exciting opportunities to co-host interactive webinars on the role of technology in suicide prevention.
Zero Suicide Institute seeks out digital solutions partners committed to providing high-quality technologies in support of system-wide improvements in safe suicide care. Interested in partnering with us? We’re excited to hear from you.