We provide the services you need to transform care as usual.
Zero Suicide Institute offers training, consultation, and products to support healthcare organizations and professionals deliver the best quality care for those at risk of suicide.
Our services help organizations learn about strategies to embed safer suicide care practices and offer solutions to commonly encountered obstacles. Through training and practice, tools and resources, and research and evaluation, Zero Suicide Institute provides the support and guidance you need to take on this difficult and rewarding work.

Our training workshops and courses educate healthcare professionals about the importance and delivery of safer suicide care in supportive and interactive learning environments.

We consult with healthcare organizations and beyond to help them assess, strategize, and implement their safer suicide care system-wide.

Our products include tools, resources, and materials designed to support continuous quality improvement for safer suicide care.

We offer a range of free services, including online courses, webinars, and tools, as well as the administration of the Zero Suicide Toolkit website.