Doctor's sitting around a table looking at a computer
Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare Systems
Health Plans
Community of Practice

Our Communities of Practice are designed to give you access to experts, facilitate group learning, and assist sites in the first years of implementation.

The Zero Suicide framework is a complex approach to challenging system-level problems. Sharing pain points and breakthroughs in real-time with a peer community and experts can ease the burden of working in isolation.

About the Consultation

A Community of Practice (CoP) is typically offered following a Zero Suicide Academy or Workshop and is designed to facilitate group learning and to assist sites in their first years of implementation. The guiding principle is to bring participants together to share learning and advance and innovate practices that will make their work more successful.

The social environment we foster enables participants to:

  • Gain access to new knowledge
  • Direct questions to national implementation experts
  • Share resources among peers
  • Manage change and best practices transfer
  • Onboard new teammates faster
  • Sustain excitement and momentum around their Zero Suicide initiative

ZSI Staff are at the forefront of online learning, bringing the best instructional design and content to the experience. Your CoP is crafted with interactive sessions that encourage peer-to-peer learning and expert guidance and connections, as well as practicing skills. These events offer engagement over time, enabling and supporting collaboration for shared learning, problem-solving, and skill development.

Our virtual implementation is enhanced by a team that emphasizes user engagement and interactivity, and we use feedback after each event to inform the design, content, and quality of future events. Your ZSI team will craft each event in close collaboration with your team to ensure that the agenda meets your organization's needs as well as participants' implementation needs.


Is a Zero Suicide Community of Practice right for me?

If you're interested in helping organizations both kick off their implementation by hosting a Zero Suicide Academy or Workshop and want those organizations to have ongoing support from experts in Zero Suicide who can accelerate their progress, then a CoP might be right for you.

Where do I go if I'm ready to host a Zero Suicide Community of Practice or if I have questions not answered by this page?

Please use the Contact Us button and someone from our team will get back to you ASAP.