Building a prevention workforce empowered to make a difference.
Prevention Solutions at EDC is committed to building a strong prevention workforce capable of addressing pressing substance misuse problems, now and in the future.
At EDC, we understand the critical role that prevention practitioners play in addressing our nation’s most pressing public health challenges. We also know firsthand what it takes to prepare the prevention workforce to do this important work. We look forward to helping our nation’s public health practitioners and advocates serve their communities.
"They listened to what we hoped to accomplish and provided the right set of services to help us get there. From start to finish, the process was seamless."
— Community coalition director
"They keep us ahead of the curve because they’re ahead of the curve."
— State prevention specialist
- Our Vision
Prevention Solutions at EDC is committed to continuing and strengthening prevention efforts across the United States and to building the nation’s prevention workforce through training, consultation, and resources.
We offer state-of-the-science trainings to help prevention leaders and practitioners develop the skills and resources they need to plan, implement, and evaluate prevention systems and programs to ensure they are both effective and sustainable. We work with our clients to provide customized consultation and provide freely available resources for the prevention workforce.
- Our Experience
Since 2018, EDC has provided training and support to behavioral health specialists across the country through Prevention Solutions. For nearly two decades, EDC operated the Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), a national training center funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Through the CAPT and beyond, EDC has served as a trusted partner of health departments across the country.
- Our Expertise
Prevention Solutions at EDC is committed to continuing and strengthening prevention efforts at the national, regional, state, tribal, territorial, and local levels and to building the nation’s prevention workforce. It will offer state-of-the-science trainings to help prevention leaders and practitioners develop the skills and resources they need to plan, implement, and evaluate prevention systems and programs to ensure they are both effective and sustainable.
- Our Trainings
We offer more than a dozen training workshops in key topic areas. Examples of trainings offered by Prevention Solutions at EDC include:
- Addressing Opioid Overdose: Understanding the Role of Prevention, which provides an introduction to overdose prevention
- Increasing Cultural Competence to Address Health Disparities, which explores the connections between behavioral health disparities, cultural competence, and substance misuse prevention
- A Public Health Approach to Problem Gambling, which examines problem gambling within broader societal contexts, relationship to other problems, and populations at greatest risk.
- Our Consultation
Prevention Solutions at EDC also offers consultation that focuses on collaboration among care-providing systems, substance misuse across the continuum of care, and how to sustain prevention programming once it has begun. We work with organizations to develop customized consultations.
Our Clients
We work with organizations at the national, regional, state, tribal, territorial, and local levels to promote comprehensive and effective prevention systems. Our research-informed and culturally-responsive services include workforce development, strategic planning, evaluation, health communications, and prevention across the continuum.
We're interested in learning about the unique needs of your organization. Reach out today for support.