AMSR Trainers are leaders in compassionate care for people at risk for suicide.
Join hundreds of trainers nationwide in helping behavioral health professionals feel confident navigating challenging situations and delivering the latest research-informed care to individuals at risk for suicide.
Become an AMSR Trainer
To become an authorized AMSR Trainer, qualified participants first attend a Training of Trainers (ToT), where experienced AMSR Lead Trainers demonstrate expert facilitation and provide new trainers with the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on key aspects of AMSR curricula. AMSR Trainers leave the ToT ready to deliver their first training.
AMSR trainers enhance their clinical knowledge, earn continuing education credits, and get access to a private website that provides teaching and learning resources.
Training of Trainers
AMSR Training Curricula
As a provider, you might be wondering which version of AMSR should you take? We offer AMSR for Outpatient, Inpatient, and Substance Use Disorder settings. If you work only in one of these settings, you should choose that curricula. If you work in multiple of these settings, we suggest you choose the one that is primary for you. The core of each training, the AMSR risk formulation, is the same in all three curricula.
Systems may have the same question—how do we select a version of AMSR that will be relevant across our system? We recommend strategically providing training in the curricula that are relevant to your system. Because the core risk formulation is the same across our three main curricula, you can be assured that the clinical providers in your various settings will still be using the same approach and practices to providing care for those at risk of suicide.
Choosing between online and in-person training is a matter of what works best in your schedule. The in-person and online versions of each training will use the same agenda and materials and participants will learn the same information and skills. We offer the two formats to allow you to select the option that best fits your learning style and schedule.
Both AMSR-Direct Care training workshops are best done as a complement to the main curriculum of that setting. Please note, ZSI at EDC is not offering online AMSR Direct Care training workshops at this time.