We've trained more than 100 thousand professionals in AMSR.
AMSR-trained professionals report increased willingness, confidence, and clarity in working with people at risk of suicide.
We know because we've asked—according to our most recent enhanced evaluation study, 91% of participants reported an increase in confidence developing a suicide risk formulation for the people in their care. The same study found that 96% of participants were satisfied with their AMSR training experience.
“I know more signs to watch out for, and when someone comes to me in crisis, I'm more equipped to handle it myself more directly rather than refer.”
AMSR Training Q&A
- Why should I be AMSR trained?
Health care providers face many challenges when working with patients at risk of suicide. Some patients may not disclose their thoughts of suicide, and if they do, often the health care provider must make judgment calls about unpredictable outcomes, often with insufficient or contradictory information.
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) is based on the latest research and is designed to support safer suicide care practices, such as Zero Suicide. AMSR teaches a prevention-oriented risk formulation focused on planning not predicting.
- Which AMSR Training is right for me?
AMSR for Inpatient, Outpatient, and Substance Use Disorder settings trainings are appropriate for clinical professionals who conduct suicide risk assessments with patients, including counselors, social workers, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and nurses.
We offer two companion versions, AMSR Direct Care for Inpatient and for Outpatient care settings. These trainings are for other staff on the care team who need to understand the risk formulation and treatment plan but do not do the risk assessment. This includes case managers, care navigators, mental health technicians, recovery coaches, peer specialists, and LPNs.
What is an AMSR Training like?
AMSR offers one-day and half-day trainings in the latest research-informed suicide risk assessment and risk formulation designed for health and behavioral health care professionals working in a variety of settings. Authorized expert trainers teach professionals essential skills through videos, live demonstrations, and paired and written practice.
- Can I only be AMSR trained if my system requires it?
No. While it is ideal when all clinicians in a system use the same risk formulation and approach to care management and planning, it is not required for you to attend the training. You will learn skills to apply to your work, and it will benefit your professional development.
- Does my organization need to be doing Zero Suicide for me to attend?
No. While AMSR does work as part of Zero Suicide, and safer suicide care practices, Zero Suicide is not required.