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May 09, 2024

EDC Solution's Shai Fuxman discusses how to better support the mental health of teachers.

Fostering and Sustaining a Welcoming Work Environment Conducive to Personal and Professional Growth. 

Photo of teacher walking with students
March 08, 2024

EDC Solutions Sara Niño and Victoria Todd speak on the equitable use of MTSS

 Lessons from the Massachusetts Social, Emotional, and Behavior Academy

Photo of a young student raising her hand during a lesson
February 27, 2024

EDC's Shai Fuxman and Chelsey Goddard address climate anxiety in The Hechinger Report

"We need a climate education framework that provides facts about the problem, describes how we can mitigate it and adapt to it and fosters resilience among young people."

Teens struggling with climate change
December 13, 2022

Shai Fuxman speaks with Education Week about the role of SEL in addressing climate change anxiety in teens.

Many teenagers worry about the consequences of climate change but there are ways that educators can help them manage this climate anxiety. EDC experts offer their knowledge in this Education Week article.

Students looking at textbook
December 22, 2021

EDC's Richard Fournier spoke on Indiana's Star City News about supporting educators adapting to social-emotional learning.

Star City News interviewed Richard Fournier about EDC-led efforts to support student mental health in Indiana schools.

Three students wearing masks
October 29, 2021

Expert Shai Fuxman publishes an Op Ed in The Hill on the extraordinary impact the pandemic continues to have on students’ mental health.

"Our children are facing a mental health crisis—we can and must address it today."