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1 December 2022
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Connect SEL with Suicide Prevention at ASCA@Home
December 1st-2nd, 2022
4:00-4:45 PM ET

Richard Fournier and Shawna Hite-Jones will present on SEL and suicide prevention at ASCA@Home: Student Mental Health on December 1st, 2022.

Connect SEL with Suicide Prevention

About the Conference

American School Counselor Association (ASCA) presents a two-day virtual conference on student mental health. Participants are able to watch live or any time through March 3, 2023, and earn up to 2.8 CEUs/28 Contact Hours.  

About the Session

Often strategies for implementing social/emotional learning and suicide prevention are treated as distinct areas of practice within our school systems. However, a growing body of research shows that social/emotional skills and mindsets can contribute to the reduction of risk factors and increase protective factors for suicide. EDC’s multitiered school suicide prevention framework provides six components that can help schools implement comprehensive suicide prevention strategies across a multitiered system of supports and intentionally link SEL with suicide prevention efforts. Learn how SEL can play an important role in youth suicide prevention and gain strategies to promote SEL and suicide prevention in your school.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the 6 key components of multi-tiered school suicide prevention
  • Explain how SEL contributes to the reduction of risk factors and increase in protective factors for suicide
  • Strategize ways strategies ways to promote SEL and suicide prevention in your school system
Photo of Richard Fournier
Richard Fournier
Director of Education & Wellbeing, EDC Solutions

Richard Fournier, director of Education & Wellbeing in EDC Solutions, leads EDC’s direct service work with states, districts, and schools—including consulting, technical assistance, professional development, and research—to improve students’ education and health outcomes.

Learn more

Photo of Shawna Hite-Jones
Shawna Hite-Jones
Senior Manager of Prevention Initiatives, EDC

Shawna Hite-Jones works in state, community, and school-based suicide prevention at EDC and has supported the development of EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit.