Claudia Rinaldi
Professor Claudia Rinaldi is the Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education at Lasell University in Newton, MA. Dr. Rinaldi focuses her work and research on the implementation of comprehensive school reform efforts using evidenced-based models including Response to Intervention, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports, and Multi-Tier System of Support. Her experience engages educators on how to improve systems and instructional practices for students with reading difficulties who may be at risk for failure, or those who are English language learners and who may have mild and moderate disabilities.
Dr. Rinaldi serves as a member of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Board of Directors, as a member of the Advisory Board for the Response to Intervention (RTI) Action Network at the National Center of Learning Disabilities, and as a reviewer for the National Center on Response to Intervention and the National Center of Intensive Interventions. She is the author and co-author of several publications on Response to Intervention (RTI), behavior disorders, learning disabilities, and issues related to English language learners. Her most recent articles appear in the Journal of Education, the Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Teaching Exceptional Children, Intervention in School and Clinic, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, and has a book called Practical Ways to Engage All Struggling Learners: A Multi-tier Instructional Approach to Using Hi-Lo Books by Saddleback Publishing, San Diego, CA.