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Conference | NAACHO
July 23rd-26th
All Day

Stop by the EDC booth at NAACHO360 July 23rd-26th to learn more about Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP).

About the Conference

NACCHO360 is the largest annual meeting for local health department leaders and public health professionals in the U.S., providing opportunities to learn, network, and share best practices. The 2024 conference in Detroit, Michigan, from July 23-26, focuses on "Public Health Partnerships, Collaboration, and Innovation." Attendees, both on-site and via livestream, will engage with federal, state, and local partners, and learn from public health experts to adopt effective practices and share success stories.

Connect with EDC Solutions

Visit our Booth

Come say hello at Booth #549! We’ll be talking about the range of prevention topics we offer expertise in at EDC Solutions, including community-led suicide prevention. 

Book a Chat

Schedule time to talk with EDC Solutions Julie Ebin!

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Community-Led Suicide Prevention

EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP) provides tools to help communities strengthen their suicide prevention efforts. EDC’s free online Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit provides resources that any local community can use. The model gives local suicide prevention groups the tools they need to strengthen the seven key elements of evidence-informed, equitable, and sustainable CLSP efforts. EDC developed the CLSP model and toolkit with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) via the Safe States Alliance. Currently, EDC works with community groups to implement the model through blended funding from multiple partners and funders.  

Community-Led Suicide Prevention Services

Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP) Toolkit

Webinar | Community-Led Suicide Prevention

Photo of Julie Ebin
Julie Ebin
Project Director, Community-Led Suicide Prevention, EDC

Julie Ebin leads a variety of projects focused on state and community suicide prevention at EDC. She spearheaded the development of EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit and directs related training and technical assistance efforts.