Join EDC's Education & Wellbeing team at the American Association of Suicidology 2025 Annual Conference in Columbus, OH.
We're Excited to Make an Impact with You at AAS 2025!
We hope to see you at our session on school suicide prevention. Be sure to check out our EDC colleagues who are presenting at AAS on Zero Suicide and supporting parents whose child has attempted suicide.
Multi-Tiered Suicide Prevention for Schools: A Framework with Evidence of Feasibility and Impact for Schools
When: April 1st, 4:30-5:00pm
Presented by: Sommer Albert and Shawna Hite-Jones
Description: Through this workshop, session participants will learn about the Multi-Tiered Suicide Prevention for Schools framework, its initial impact, demonstrated feasibility, and ideas for strengthening school-based suicide prevention efforts. Participants will learn strategies for developing comprehensive, evidence-based suicide prevention within school systems and walk away with tools (the MTSP framework, environmental assessment, and associated resources) they can use to strengthen their existing suicide prevention efforts. Participants will receive guidance on how to access the full digital online assessment, along with additional MTSP resources and information, including 2 school district case studies from a large, urban school district and a small, rural school district who participated in the pilot implementation of MTSP.

Shawna Hite-Jones works in state, community, and school-based suicide prevention at EDC and has supported the development of EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit.

Sommer Albert, MSW, is a senior prevention specialist and trauma-informed facilitator with expertise in technical assistance, community building, youth education, and suicide prevention across clinical, K–12, and higher education settings.