Three chances to see EDC's Zero Suicide team present at the American Association of Suicidology 2025 Annual Conference in Columbus, OH.
We're Excited to Make an Impact with You at AAS 2025!
The Zero Suicide at EDC team will be presenting at three AAS sessions from March 30th to April 4th.
Follow the links below to speak with our experts before, during, or after AAS:
Book with Laurin Jozlin
Book with Amy Molloy
We're joined at AAS by EDC colleagues who will present on Multi-Tierered Suicide Prevention (MTSP) for Schools.
Our Sessions
#1. Reimagining Safer Suicide Care in Corrections: A Zero Suicide Approach
When: April 1st, 12:00-12:30pm
Presented by: Laurin Jozlin and Amy Molloy, Senior Project Associates, Zero Suicide at EDC
Description: Suicide is the leading cause of preventable death in correctional facilities, with significant increases over the past two decades—an 85% rise in state prisons, a 61% rise in federal prisons, and a 13% rise in jails. Corrections officers also face high suicide rates, with 10% contemplating suicide and 73% not sharing these feelings. The Zero Suicide framework, adopted by systems like South Carolina's, fosters a culture of safety and support, emphasizing trauma-informed care. This session will explore its transformative benefits, focusing on culture change, safer suicide care, and practical strategies for successful Zero Suicide implementation in correctional settings.
Video: Seven Elements of Zero Suicide
#2. After Your Child's Suicide Attempt: An Honest Discussion with Parents and Clinicians
Moderated by: Julie Goldstein Grumet, Director of Zero Suicide and Vice President of Suicide Prevention Strategy at EDC
Description: This moderated discussion will address the questions and concerns that frequently emerge from parents after their child's suicide attempt. Two parents and two clinicians who were interviewed for the supportive film After Your Child's Suicide Attempt will participate in this honest dialogue. Parents will share their perceptions and experiences of accessing mental health care for their child and what suggestions they have for improvements including the specific support and information they crave but is often absent in a busy healthcare system. Clinicians will share empathic and evidence-based ways healthcare providers can help parents and caregivers navigate this challenging and stressful time as well as how to access the new film resource.
Film: After Your Child's Suicide Attempt
#3. Zero Suicide: A Collaborative Solution to a Public Health Problem
When: April 2nd, 2:00-2:30pm
Presented by: Amy Malloy and Jan Ulrich, Senior Project Associates, Zero Suicide at EDC, and Tazeen Ahmed, Senior Program Coordinator, Montgomery County, Ohio
Description: Suicide is a significant public health problem that impacts individuals, families, and communities. Effectively addressing suicide takes a public health approach. This session will explore the many ways that communities can work collaboratively within the Zero Suicide framework to support safer suicide care for all and achieve substantial reductions in deaths by suicide. Highlighting examples from Montgomery County, Ohio, and Kentucky, we explore community efforts to support Zero Suicide implementation and strategies that span prevention, intervention, and postvention.
- Zero Suicide Resources
Zero Suicide Toolkit: The Zero Suicide framework operationalizes the core components necessary for health care systems to transform suicide care into seven elements. The Toolkit uses research, tools, and videos to walk implementers through putting the Zero Suicide model into practice.
Zero Suicide Organizational Self-Study: The Organizational Self-Study is designed to assess what components of the comprehensive Zero Suicide approach are currently in place and the degree to which the components are embedded within key organizational and clinical areas. The Organizational Self-Study also helps to assess organizational and clinical area-specific strengths and opportunities for development across each component
Zero Suicide Data Dashboard: Our Data Dashboard is intended to assist health and behavioral healthcare organizations in developing a data-driven, quality improvement approach to suicide care by allowing organizations to enter, edit, and monitor their data specific to their implementation of the Zero Suicide framework.
Suicide Care Insights: In Suicide Care Insights: Stories & Tips for Your Implementation, we've identified six topics related to workforce wellbeing and how safe suicide care can transform organizational culture. We present them here to you as a series of six resources using a mixed-media approach. Three of the resources are in the form of recorded stories. The other three are downloadable tips on how and what to implement to support and improve care for patients.

Dr. Julie Goldstein Grumet, Director of Zero Suicide at EDC, provides strategic direction to healthcare systems to improve the identification and treatment of people at risk for suicide.

Jan Ulrich delivers training and consultation to improve care and outcomes for individuals at risk for suicide using a continuous quality improvement framework.

Laurin Jozlin, senior project associate, is a licensed clinical social worker with 10 years of experience in suicide prevention, suicide intervention, community mental health, and child and adolescent mental health.

Amy Molloy, senior project associate, is a behavioral health expert with 14 years of leadership experience in suicide prevention, mental health promotion, veterans’ services, and education.
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