Leah Harris
Leah Harris, M.A. possesses twenty years of experience writing, speaking, and training on trauma, mental health, and suicide prevention. Leah is drawn to this work based on their lived experience as a suicide attempt survivor and is especially passionate about the integration of trauma-informed values and approaches into all aspects of health care, human services, education, and community programs. They have provided training and technical assistance with SAMHSA's National Center for Trauma Informed Care (NCTIC) and the National Association for State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD).
Leah is also an advisor to and is featured in the 2018 documentary about suicide, The S Word. Leah worked with the Mental Health Association of San Francisco (MHASP) to adapt and deliver “Sound out for Life," a training designed to empower suicide attempt survivors to share about their experiences. Leah is a certified trainer in the 'Zone of Fabulousness' burnout prevention training developed by Vikki Reynolds, PhD. and is committed to sharing these insights with peer workers and other front-line workers.