In this interactive webinar, state and community suicide prevention leaders will learn strategies for assessing and strengthening readiness for suicide prevention and how the CLSP toolkit can support their efforts.
Leveling Up in Suicide Prevention
Assess and improve your community’s readiness for suicide prevention through EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP) Toolkit.
States and communities recognize the importance of making community-informed decisions around suicide prevention efforts. However, it can be difficult to identify what suicide prevention strategies are the best fit within local culture, context, and resources. In other words, it can be hard to choose the best strategies for communities’ level of readiness.
This webinar will use Education Development Center’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP) Toolkit to empower communities to understand community readiness, how to assess it among diverse segments of their community, and how to use that information to take their community to the next level of comprehensive and evidence-informed suicide prevention efforts.
EDC, creators of the CLSP Toolkit, will provide an overview of its purpose, contents, and real-world use. Missouri Partners in Prevention will share their efforts to strengthen community readiness in suicide prevention across local coalitions. The St. Louis Suicide Prevention Coalition will share their work to level up in community readiness—all guided by the CLSP Toolkit.
Webinar participants will walk away with strategies, real-world examples, and personal action steps for increasing community readiness in suicide prevention.
Community-Led Suicide Prevention Services
Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP) Toolkit
CLSP Fit Element: Assessing Community Readiness
Community Toolbox: Community Readiness

Shawna Hite-Jones works in state, community, and school-based suicide prevention at EDC and has supported the development of EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit.

Julie Ebin leads a variety of projects focused on state and community suicide prevention at EDC. She spearheaded the development of EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit and directs related training and technical assistance efforts.

Margo serves as project staff for the Missouri Suicide Prevention Coalition Academy, an initiative working to help community coalitions implement sustainable, evidence-based suicide prevention efforts.
Kirsten Sierra serves as a steering committee member of the St. Louis Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, which guides the coalition’s efforts to sustain the engagement with the community in suicide prevention in the St. Louis metropolitan area by serving as a gateway for education, resources, and advocacy.