Register by March 28th, 2025 to join the first national Community-Led Suicide Prevention Academy online.
About the Academy
Academy Prep—Wednesday, May 14th 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. ET
Academy Session 1—Tuesday, June 10th 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET
Academy Session 2—Wednesday, June 11th 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET
Academy Session 3—Tuesday, June 17th 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET
Academy Session 4—Wednesday, June 18th 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET
Drawing on individual communities’ strengths, culture, and needs, EDC's Community-Led Suicide Prevention Academy provides coalitions with information, skills, and resources that support real-world practice. The Community-Led Suicide Prevention (CLSP) Academy brings together practitioners, content experts, and community representatives who are dedicated to creating change. Academy staff instruct community-based teams on how to strengthen and sustain coalitions, use data to drive strategic planning, improve community readiness, and focus programming on disproportionately impacted populations. Participants leave the Academy with a preliminary coalition action plan, preparing them to have the greatest impact in their communities.
The objectives of the CLSP Academy are to support community suicide prevention coalitions and partnerships in:
- Understanding the skills and information necessary to adopt or expand effective suicide prevention efforts
- Beginning to develop a strategic plan with strategies for effective suicide prevention
- Creating collaborations between community coalitions for mentorship and support
How To Register
This is a team Academy with a 3-person minimum per team. 4-person teams will be given a complementary registration for a 5th team member. Only one registration is needed per team. For registration support and changes, please contact us at solutions@edc.org.
The cost of registration is $4,500 for a 3-person team or $6,000 for a 4-5 person team.
Registration closes on March 28th, 2025

Shawna Hite-Jones works in state, community, and school-based suicide prevention at EDC and has supported the development of EDC’s Community-Led Suicide Prevention Toolkit.