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In 2020-21, Prevention Solutions@EDC provided training and technical assistance to prevention practitioners across the country, on topics ranging from coalition leadership and sustainability planning to the social determinants of health and intersection of prevention and recovery.
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States and communities have begun developing systemic supports to address the related problems of problem gambling and substance misuse in a coordinated way. Prevention Solutions@EDC is collaborating with Iowa’s Department of Public Health to prepare for this important work.
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This flyer describes the Problem Gambling training that Prevention Solutions can provide.
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When the onset of Covid-19 prevented New York’s Division of Prevention and Problem Gambling from doing in-person strategic planning, PS@EDC developed a virtual alternative that was both engaging and productive.
Webinar | April 28th, 2023
Join Prevention Solutions at EDC as we explore problem gambling within the broader societal context, including individual, community, and societal factors, the relationship of problem gambling to other problems, and populations at greatest risk.