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This decision support tool provides brief summaries of prevention strategies and associated programs that have been evaluated to determine their effects on the non-medical use of prescription drugs, including an overview of the relevant literature, descriptions of individual studies, and guidelines for using this information to inform prevention planning efforts.
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This at-a-glance chart provides a quick look at prevention strategies that have been shown to directly address common risk factors associated with prescription drug misuse.
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This decision support tool summarizes information from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on factors that have been shown to either increase risk of or protect against the non-medical use of prescription drugs, based on articles published between 2006 and 2012.
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This flyer describes the Problem Gambling training that Prevention Solutions can provide.
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This resource is designed to help prevention practitioners identify programs that address substance misuse among 18- to 25-year-olds by providing brief information on the results associated with such programs, and how and where they have been implemented.
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This tool offers prevention practitioners a foundation for understanding the burden of substance misuse in rural settings and strategies for designing and implementing successful prevention programming in a rural environment.
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This tool is designed to help practitioners understand the complexities of substance misuse among service members and veterans.
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Naloxone access laws make naloxone easier to obtain by expanding how the medication can be distributed beyond traditional prescriptions. This document describes the aims of naloxone access laws and the various forms they can take.
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This resource provides an overview of this overdose prevention strategy, including the aims of these laws and types of protections they can offer. It also presents some of the obstacles that prevent overdose bystanders and the criminal justice system from applying their state’s Good Samaritan laws, and steps prevention practitioners can take to raise awareness of these laws among various target populations.
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Every day in the U.S, nearly 200 people die from opioid-related overdoses. Even more widespread than fatal overdoses are non-fatal overdoses. People who survive one overdose are twice as likely to die from a future one.