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These questions can help to inform an assessment process that is inclusive and culturally relevant.
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With Care(giver) Navigator, PS@EDC’s Chelsey Goddard and Shai Fuxman are helping parents and other caregivers address the complexities of caring for a child with disabilities.
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Learn about the work PS@EDC is doing to support the evaluation of New Bedford, Massachusetts’ TRAIN (Teach, Reach, and Initiate Naloxone) Project—designed to prepare first responders and key personnel to administer naloxone and provide post-overdose follow-up to affected individuals and their families.
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Prevention Solutions@EDC’s new Prevention Fundamentals Online (PFO) training prepare practitioners new to the substance misuse prevention field and/or working in related disciplines to address substance misuse prevention within the broader context of behavioral health, and to do so through a lens of cultural competence and humility.
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Prevention Solutions@EDC has created several new services to support states and communities in addressing three pressing topics: racial and health inequity, opioid misuse and overdose, and evaluation design and delivery.
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Prevention practitioners join forces with realtors and funeral directors in Blair County, Pennsylvania to prevent opioid misuse.
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This resource presents findings from a systematic review of the recent literature examining associations between scare tactics, fear-based messages, and substance misuse.
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This resource describes three post-overdose interventions that have shown promise in reducing the risk of subsequent overdoses and improving other health outcomes among people who have experienced a non-fatal overdose, highlighting the role of prevention practitioners in supporting these efforts.
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Delivered September 27, 2018, this hour-long webinar explores what works to reduce opioid misuse and the role of prevention in stemming this crisis.
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This at-a-glance resource describes the relationship between opioid overdose and overprescribing, and makes the case for prescriber education as a prevention strategy.