Learn how to kickstart your Zero Suicide journey with other health and behavioral healthcare administrators, supervisors, clinicians, quality improvement specialists, people with lived experience, and more by watching this free webinar recording.
About the Recording
Getting Started with Zero Suicide in Indian Country will show you how you can lay the foundations for strong, impactful efforts to improve suicide care by using the Zero Suicide framework. Dive into the fundamentals of the seven elements of Zero Suicide and hear examples of implementation efforts in Tribally-owned and IHS-led settings in this webinar recording.
The Zero Suicide framework for Indian Country is an approach that can be used to help you achieve the required outcomes of the GLS State/Tribal Youth Suicide grant program. Zero Suicide addresses increasing the capacity of clinical service providers to assess, manage, and treat Indigenous youth at risk of suicide. The framework of Zero Suicide acts to enhance the continuity of care and follow-up of Indigenous youth identified to be at risk for suicide, including those who have been discharged from emergency department and inpatient psychiatric units.