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Join our Zero Suicide Institute team for events centered around safer suicide care.
We host online webinar discussions, speak in-person at conferences, and provide online and in-person training opportunities. Use the filter on the left to sort through upcoming events. Be sure to toggle over to past events to find resources and recordings.
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Zero Suicide Academy | Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention Virtual Academy…
Colorado applicants are encouraged to apply by 5/26/23 for a June online Zero Suicide Academy® sponsored by the Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention.
AMSR-Outpatient Course | June 2023
Register by June 6th to join the latest cohort for the Assessing and Managing Risk for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals Working in Outpatient Settings online course.
AMSR-Inpatient Course | June 2023
Register by June 5th to join the latest cohort for the Assessing and Managing Risk for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals Working in Inpatient Settings online course.
Zero Suicide Academy | Vermont Youth Zero Suicide Academy and Community of…
Vermont health and mental health care programs are encouraged to apply by Friday, April 21, 2023, at 5pm ET for the May 24-25, 2023 online Zero Suicide Academy® and Community of Practice sponsored…
AMSR-SUD Training | May 2023
Register by May 8th to be trained online in Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Professionals.
AMSR-Outpatient Training | May 2023
Register by May 3rd to be trained online in Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk for Outpatient Professionals.
Zero Suicide Academy | New Mexico Behavioral Health Collaborative
New Mexico community behavioral health systems, primary care providers & hospitals, tribal health & behavioral health care systems, IHS-led health & behavioral health care systems, and…
AMSR-Outpatient Course | April 2023
Register by April 24th to join the latest cohort for the Assessing and Managing Risk for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals Working in Outpatient Settings online course.
AMSR-Outpatient & Inpatient Training Of Trainers | April 2023
Register by March 30th to be trained online to teach Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk for both Outpatient and Inpatient Professionals.
AMSR-SUD Training | April 2023
Register by April 10th to be trained online in Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Professionals.