Watch our experts lead a discussion on creating a just culture and the role of incorporating lived experience expertise in the transformation of organizational culture in this Getting Further with Zero Suicide: Just Culture & Lived Experience webinar recording
Recorded Session on Just Culture & Lived Experience
The Getting Further with Zero Suicide: Just Culture & Lived Experience webinar explores the pursuit of a just and restorative culture of safety and the critical role that lived experience plays in the creation of such a culture.
Successful implementation of the Zero Suicide framework is rooted in the system-wide transformation of organization and workforce culture. Practice change toward suicide safer care requires the foundation of a tenacious pursuit of zero suicides as the only acceptable goal, a belief that suicide is preventable and that change can only occur in a just and learning culture.
A just, restorative, safety-oriented, and highly-reliable organization designs for zero and embraces a culture of safety where every staff member is engaged in the identification of errors and is supported in the aftermath of critical incidents. Though adverse events may still occur, a learning organization that sees suicide as a never-event, will derive lessons learned and build new practice opportunities through a process of continuous quality improvement.
Getting Further with Zero Suicide Series
The Getting Further with Zero Suicide webinar series is designed for Zero Suicide systems that are ready to take their initial implementation efforts to the next level. This four-part series provides insights into topics vital to continuous quality improvement for suicide prevention in healthcare.
Zero Suicide Institute experts will lead conversations around care pathways, healthcare worker wellness, fidelity and sustainability, and just culture and lived experience. Together with the Zero Suicide Toolkit, this series further supports organizations in advancing their work to improve safer suicide care.
Recordings of past webinars, along with recommended Zero Suicide resources, are available below.
- Recordings
- Recommended Tools & Readings
These resources and more are available on the Zero Suicide Toolkit at ZeroSuicide.edc.org:
- The webinar series is an in-depth companion to the Getting Further with Zero Suicide resource. Organizations still in the early implementation phase should reference the Getting Started with Zero Suicide resource.
- We offer the Zero Suicide Organizational Self Study, which we encourage organizations to update annually, along with regular use of our Zero Suicide Workforce Survey.
- For stories and tips on just culture, self-care, and suicide care transitions, check out the Suicide Care Insights series. We encourage organizations to submit their own Zero Suicide Care Insights to share.
- Specifically on the topic of just culture, we recommend reading “Inconvenient Truths in Suicide Prevention: Why a Restorative Just Culture Should be Implemented Alongside a Zero Suicide Framework” and watching the Zero Suicide of Australasia video series.
- Support from Zero Suicide Institute
Zero Suicide Institute offers training and consultation to support your Zero Suicide implementation. To further your implementation goals, we recommend: