Screen Shot Zero Suicide Toolkit
Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare Systems
Health Plans
Zero Suicide Toolkit

The Zero Suicide Toolkit is a detailed guide to Zero Suicide implementation and strategy.

Each section of the Zero Suicide Toolkit presents the research behind one of the elements and describes how to implement that element with fidelity. Videos and resources from experts and organizations implementing Zero Suicide provide more detail and guidance about how you can transform your organization's safe suicide care practices.

Resources are available for each of the Seven Elements of Zero Suicide. We also have free trainings and courses to support Zero Suicide implementation—including Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) and Preventing Suicide in Emergency Departments—as well as resources for special populations (e.g., Native American and Alaskan Native, military and veterans, and children and youth) and settings (e.g., inpatient mental health, emergency departments, integrated primary care and behavioral health, and substance use disorder treatment).

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