Dr. Lia Gaggino

Lia Gaggino

Primary Care Pediatrician, Western Michigan

Dr. Gaggino is a primary care pediatrician practicing on the west side of Michigan for over 30 years.  From 2015 to 2020, she served as the Kalamazoo based Bronson Healthcare System Medical Director of Behavioral Health implementing Zero Suicide practices and building integrated behavioral health in primary care.  

Knowing that the emotional well-being of children is at the core of their total health, Dr. Gaggino has partnered with other professionals to develop processes and protocols to strengthen cross-disciplinary diagnostic and behavioral healthcare models, and when given the opportunity to collaborate with other healthcare professionals, has always come to a better, more comprehensive care solution for patients.

Dr. Gaggino is the founder of Medical Behavioral Health Solutions, LLC offering support to clinicians and systems and the host of the Pediatric Meltdown podcast featuring experts on children’s emotional well-being.  She currently sits on the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Board of Directors, partners closely with the Michigan Chapter of the AAP and is a consultant to the University of Michigan MC3 child psychiatry access program.