We look forward to seeing you at IHI Forum 2024 in Orlando, FL!
The Institute for Healthcare (IHI) Forum has promoted quality improvement in healthcare for more than 30 years. Zero Suicide Institute at EDC will present at the Forum on December 10th from 2:00-3:00 pm ET.
Book a time to speak with our experts by following the links below:
What is Zero Suicide?
People who die by suicide are touching our healthcare system: 84% of those who die by suicide have seen a healthcare provider in the year before their death. 92% of those who made a suicide attempt have seen a healthcare provider in the year before their attempt. Safer suicide care requires transformative change that cannot be borne solely by the practitioners providing clinical care; it requires a system-wide approach to improve outcomes and close gaps.
The Zero Suicide framework is based on the realization that suicidal individuals often fall through the cracks in a sometimes fragmented and distracted healthcare system. The framework offers healthcare systems a systematic approach to quality improvement in caring for those at risk for suicide that addresses these gaps in care.
Our Pecha Kucha Session
Pecha Kucha is a storytelling format in which a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds per slide
Improving Suicide Care: A Breakthrough Series Collaborative
- Background: The Suicide Care Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (SC CoIIN) focused on healthcare systems using the Zero Suicide model to improve the way suicide care is provided.
- Objective: The SC CoIIN sought to improve outcomes for people at risk of suicide by changing practices and procedures of health care systems.
- Method: The SC CoIIN utilized the IHI Breakthrough Series Collaborative model. A series of expert meetings were held to set the aim, develop a theory of change, and inform the development of a key driver diagram, change package, and shared measures. The theory of improvement was guided by people with lived experience and was a systems-level approach. The healthcare systems conducted testing and refined practices that led to outcomes in the Theory of Improvement.
- Results: Preliminary collaborative results show improvement in three of six measures, including the SMART aim as evidenced by shifts in the data.
- Conclusion: The systems in the SC CoIIN were able to improve suicide care in innovative and measurable ways.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the Pecha Kucha session on improving suicide care, participants will be able to:
- Understand how the Zero Suicide framework can be implemented to improve how suicide care is provided in their systems.
- Examine 3-5 lessons learned from the project and how it impacts all healthcare system
Related Resources
- Zero Suicide Toolkit Resources
Zero Suicide Toolkit: The Zero Suicide model operationalizes the core components necessary for health care systems to transform suicide care into seven elements. The Toolkit uses research, tools, and videos to walk implementers through putting the Zero Suicide model into practice.
Toolkit Adaptations: Zero Suicide is an adaptable model appropriate for a range of health and behavioral health settings and applicable across populations. Toolkit Adaptations are designed to complement the Zero Suicide Toolkit by filtering each element through a setting- and population-specific lens.
Zero Suicide Journey Stories: Seven healthcare systems share insights, successes, and lessons learned from a collaborative effort to improve suicide care.
Getting Started with Zero Suicide: Wondering how to get started with Zero Suicide in your organization? This resource outlines 10 steps to getting started.
Organizational Self-Studies: The Organizational Self-Study is designed to assess what components of the comprehensive Zero Suicide approach are currently in place and the degree to which the components are embedded within key organizational and clinical areas. The Organizational Self-Study also helps to assess organizational and clinical area-specific strengths and opportunities for development across each component.
Suicide Care Insights: In Suicide Care Insights: Stories & Tips for Your Implementation, we've identified six topics related to workforce wellbeing and how safe suicide care can transform organizational culture. We present them here to you as a series of six resources using a mixed-media approach. Three of the resources are in the form of recorded stories. The other three are downloadable tips on how and what to implement to support and improve care for patients.
Populations Resources: Quick access to resources supporting safe suicide care for specific populations.
Settings Resources: Quick access to resources supporting safe suicide care for specific settings.
- Support from Zero Suicide Institute at EDC
Zero Suicide Institute offers training and consultation to support your Zero Suicide implementation. To further your implementation goals, we recommend:

Barb Gay is a highly experienced program leader and technical assistance provider who specializes in behavioral health and crisis care administration, suicide prevention system building, substance misuse prevention, social services, strategic planning, financial management, and staff development.

Laurin Jozlin, senior project associate, is a licensed clinical social worker with 10 years of experience in suicide prevention, suicide intervention, community mental health, and child and adolescent mental health.