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Recording | Zero Suicide Data Strategies: A Method for Quality Improvement
On Demand
1 Hour

Learn how to apply a quality improvement method, the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, in your Zero Suicide implementation.

A Method for Quality Improvement 

During this webinar, we'll demonstrate how Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles can be used as a method for quality improvement based on the Improve element of Zero Suicide to help systems begin making small changes towards the aspirational goal of Zero Suicide. 

Learn about the Zero Suicide framework, IHI’s Method for Improvement, and a collaborative group of health systems that worked together to improve suicide care using this methodology. We'll share free resources and ideas that risk management, clinical providers, quality improvement, and patient safety professionals can utilize to begin to take steps toward improving suicide care in their own system. 

Zero Suicide Data Strategies Series 

The Zero Suicide Data Strategies webinar series offers discussions relevant for any Zero Suicide system, whether you are just starting to assess your data metrics or are looking to innovate your process. This four-part series provides actionable insights into topics and resources vital to data-driven continuous quality improvement for suicide prevention in healthcare. Engage with Zero Suicide implementers from systems across the U.S. who have used data to drive implementation and capture their Zero Suicide progress.  

Zero Suicide experts will lead conversations around quality improvement methodology, Suicide Care Journey Stories, the Zero Suicide Data Dashboard, and recent Outcome Stories. Together with the Zero Suicide Toolkit, this series further supports organizations in advancing their work to improve safer suicide care.  

Recordings of past webinars, along with recommended Zero Suicide resources, will be available at the links below. 



Session-Related Resources

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Worksheet: A useful quality improvement tool for documenting a test of change. 

Science of Improvement on a Whiteboard: A video summary explaining fundamental improvement methods and tools: Model for Improvement, PDSA cycles, run charts, control charts, flowcharts, driver diagrams, and more. 

Data Dashboard: The Zero Suicide Data Dashboard is intended to assist health and behavioral healthcare organizations in developing a data-driven, quality-improvement approach to suicide care by allowing organizations to enter, edit, and monitor their data specific to their implementation of the Zero Suicide model.  

Data Elements Worksheet: The Zero Suicide Data Elements worksheet is intended to assist health and behavioral health care organizations in developing a data-driven, quality improvement approach to suicide care. 

Zero Suicide Toolkit Resources

Zero Suicide Toolkit: The Zero Suicide model operationalizes the core components necessary for health care systems to transform suicide care into seven elements. The Toolkit uses research, tools, and videos to walk implementers through putting the Zero Suicide model into practice. 

Toolkit Adaptations: Zero Suicide is an adaptable model appropriate for a range of health and behavioral health settings and applicable across populations. Toolkit Adaptations are designed to complement the Zero Suicide Toolkit by filtering each element through a setting- and population-specific lens. 

Getting Started with Zero Suicide: Wondering how to get started with Zero Suicide in your organization? This resource outlines 10 steps to getting started. 

Organizational Self-Studies: The Organizational Self-Study is designed to assess what components of the comprehensive Zero Suicide approach are currently in place and the degree to which the components are embedded within key organizational and clinical areas. The Organizational Self-Study also helps to assess organizational and clinical area-specific strengths and opportunities for development across each component.

Suicide Care Insights: In Suicide Care Insights: Stories & Tips for Your Implementation, we've identified six topics related to workforce wellbeing and how safe suicide care can transform organizational culture. We present them here to you as a series of six resources using a mixed-media approach. Three of the resources are in the form of recorded stories. The other three are downloadable tips on how and what to implement to support and improve care for patients. 

Populations Resources: Quick access to resources supporting safe suicide care for specific populations. 

Settings Resources: Quick access to resources supporting safe suicide care for specific settings. 

Support from Zero Suicide Institute at EDC

Zero Suicide Institute offers training and consultation to support your Zero Suicide implementation. To further your implementation goals, we recommend:

Getting Further with Zero Suicide Consultation

National Zero Suicide Academy

Photo of Laurin Jozlin
Laurin Jozlin
Senior Project Associate, Zero Suicide Institute

Laurin Jozlin, senior project associate, is a licensed clinical social worker with 10 years of experience in suicide prevention, suicide intervention, community mental health, and child and adolescent mental health.

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