Educators sitting at table
School and District Leaders
Educators and Counselors

"I cannot put into words how very pleased we were with the support from EDC in a moment of tragedy. They were so quick to respond to our call for help and had resources coming as quickly as possible. I have deeply enjoyed our conversations as they help bring the work back into the light when things have gotten challenging."

Director of Student Achievement

Multi-Tiered Suicide Prevention for Schools

Multi-Tiered Suicide Prevention (MTSP) for Schools is designed to assist educational leaders in improving upon strategic planning and structural changes toward suicide prevention within a multi-tiered system of support. 

Suicide prevention efforts often include training, programs, and clinical practice, and districts and schools can support these actions through policy-level improvements within the entire system, from the classroom teacher to third-tier specialists. MTSP for Schools assists educators, counselors, and school and district leaders with creating and improving on the six components of school suicide prevention.


About MTSP for Schools

Incorporating suicide prevention into multi-tiered systems of support

EDC’s expert-led technical assistance seeks to support school and district teams in improving their systems by creating structural changes in policy and practice through strategic planning, implementation, and sustainability planning. Our team supports schools in aligning existing behavioral and social-emotional efforts across tiers with evidence-informed suicide prevention components.


This service is comprised of:

  • Technical assistance
  • Eight community of practice workshops for school-level teams of 10-12 practitioners
  • Tools for reflection, self-assessment, and action planning
Six Components
  1. Written protocols for helping students at risk of suicide
  2. Written protocols for response after a suicide
  3. Developing community partnerships to ensure students receive necessary support and services
  4. Identification of youth at-risk for suicide
  5. Promoting protective factors that enhance students’ wellbeing
  6. Engaging key stakeholders, including parents and school leadership, in suicide prevention messaging, planning, and training
Alignment Areas
  • Understanding SEL: Research & Reasoning
  • Ensuring Equitable, Inclusive & Trauma-Informed SEL
  • Implicit SEL Adaptive Practices
  • Explicit SEL Adaptive Practices
  • Peer Sharing & Applying Lessons Learned
Technical Assistance

Teams will work with their technical assistance specialist between sessions to embed these learnings into practice and implement them in the classroom. Technical assistance specialists will work closely with teams to do the following: 

  • Assess needs and conduct an inventory audit on what suicide prevention protocols, programs, and policies are currently in place and are being actively utilized
  • Provide tailored guidance on the 6 major components of school suicide prevention for teams and how to strengthen these components across the planning, implementation, and sustainability phases
  • Provide evidence-based tools and resources to assist teams in each of these phases
  • Provide expert recommendations and guidance for choosing best practice mental health screenings, trainings, programs and/or curricula
  • Provide expert recommendations and guidance for building and sustaining community partnerships to support school suicide prevention
  • Engage in annual on-site visits to observe and engage with each school team
Community of Practice

Teams will work together in several workshops focused on each of the six components.  Each workshop will entail the following: 

  • Peer sharing, knowledge and skill acquisition, and team planning time focused on all six components of school suicide prevention
  • Opportunities to spotlight successes, challenges, and lessons learned from individual teams
  • Trauma-informed SEL practices for all educators and leaders, and trainings on adult wellness and self-care.' Guided action-planning facilitated by EDC subject-matter experts


Six Components


Environmental Assessment


Case Studies


Grants Guide


Engage MTSP for Schools

Ready to see how MTSP for Schools consultation can transform SEL and mental health in your school or district? Interested in learning more about pricing structures and available funding? Start the conversation today.

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