Chelsey Goddard
Chelsey Goddard, an EDC vice president and nationally recognized expert in prevention science, leads EDC’s U.S.-based health, mental health, and behavioral health work. A certified prevention specialist with a deep commitment to behavioral health equity, she has decades of experience successfully promoting the use of evidence-based, culturally appropriate substance misuse prevention practices. Nationwide, she advances knowledge of the opioid crisis, systems change, prevention workforce training, and co-morbid conditions.
Chelsey is a senior advisor for Prevention Solutions at EDC, a training and resource hub that delivers customized consultation and award-winning online courses to strengthen the substance misuse prevention workforce. She is the technical monitor for the Center for Strategic Prevention Support, a technical assistance center offering support to communities across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in addressing substance misuse prevention. She is also leading the design of a new mobile app, Caregiver Navigator, which will provide caregivers of children with developmental disabilities with the tools and information they need to navigate complex health and education systems, advocate for their children, and tend to their own well-being.
Chelsey is an ex-officio member of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders. During her eight years as the director of the Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies at EDC, she led the delivery of training to over 44,000 practitioners and technical assistance to over 14,000 people.
Chelsey completed a fellowship in the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) program at the Institute for Community Inclusion at Boston Children’s Hospital. She holds an MPH from the University of Michigan.