Brian Ahmedani
Dr. Brian Ahmedani received his PhD and MSW degrees from Michigan State University (MSU). He is a fully licensed clinical and macro masters-level social worker in the State of Michigan. Dr. Ahmedani also completed a NIH / NIDA-funded fellowship program in Drug Dependence Epidemiology. Currently, he serves as director of the Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research and director of research for the Department of Psychiatry at Henry Ford Health. He also maintains an appointment at MSU. His research interest focuses on the area of mental health services and interventions, with particular expertise in suicide prevention. He has served as PI or Site-PI on dozens of NIH, SAMHSA, and other grant-funded projects in suicide prevention within healthcare systems. His work is highly cited and has been published in many of the leading medical journals in the world. Dr. Ahmedani has been appointed chair of the Governor’s Suicide Prevention Commission in the State of Michigan and has served as an expert on several other policy and quality improvement committees across the nation.