Watch the Getting Further with Zero Suicide: Fidelity & Sustainability webinar recording for useful strategies around monitoring fidelity and working towards sustainability.
Recorded Session on Fidelity & Sustainability
In this webinar recording, Getting Further with Zero Suicide: Fidelity & Sustainability, we delve into practical strategies for monitoring fidelity and advancing sustainability within the Zero Suicide framework.
We also discuss the critical aspects of fidelity measurement from assessment to evaluation and how to plan for sustainability from the outset and integrate it seamlessly into your organization's goals. Watch the recording for actionable insights and tools to enhance fidelity and sustainability within your organization.
Getting Further with Zero Suicide Series
The Getting Further with Zero Suicide webinar series is designed for Zero Suicide systems that are ready to take their initial implementation efforts to the next level. This four-part series provides insights into topics vital to continuous quality improvement for suicide prevention in healthcare.
Zero Suicide Institute experts will lead conversations around care pathways, healthcare worker wellness, fidelity and sustainability, and just culture and lived experience. Together with the Zero Suicide Toolkit, this series further supports organizations in advancing their work to improve safer suicide care.
The webinar series is scheduled throughout the year and open for registration in advance. Recordings of past webinars will be made available at the same links, available below. Recommended Zero Suicide resources are linked below.
- Recordings
- Recommended Tools & Readings
Zero Suicide Resources:
- The Zero Suicide Toolkit: Uses research, tools, and videos to walk implementers through putting the Zero Suicide framework into practice
- Getting Further with Zero Suicide Resource: For organizations already implementing Zero Suicide, this resource offers questions to contemplate and suggestions to help you in your Zero Suicide journey
- Getting Started with Zero Suicide Resource: For organizations still in the early implementation phase of Zero Suicide, this resource outlines 10 steps to getting started.
- Zero Suicide Organizational Self Study: A tool designed to assess what components of the comprehensive Zero Suicide approach are currently in place and the degree to which the components are embedded within key organizational and clinical areas.
- Zero Suicide Workforce Survey: A resource for surveying your staff on how prepared and supported they feel providing care for patients at risk.
- Suicide Care Insights Series: Check out this series where we identify six topics related to workforce wellbeing and how safe suicide care can transform organizational culture. This includes stories and tips on just culture, self-care, and suicide care transitions.
- We encourage organizations to submit their own Zero Suicide Care Insights to share
Fidelity Resources:
- Fidelity Assessment Development Tool: This resource assists organizations in identifying and categorizing their fidelity indicators, as well as identifying potential measures. It also provides a space for team members to review and reflect on their progress.
Sustainability Resources:
- Program Sustainability Assessment Tool: This tool focuses on understanding the factors that influence a program's sustainability, assessing the programs capacity for sustainability, reviewing the results from the assessment, and developing an action plan based on said results.
- Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool: Similar to the PSAT, the CSAT focuses on understanding the factors that influence a program's sustainability, assessing the programs capacity for sustainability, reviewing the results from the assessment, and developing an action plan based on said results within a clinical setting.
Just Culture Resources:
- “Inconvenient Truths in Suicide Prevention: Why a Restorative Just Culture Should be Implemented Alongside a Zero Suicide Framework”: This paper discusses the importance of creating substantial workplace cultural changes in order to successfully implement the Zero Suicide Framework while identifying Restorative Just Culture (RJC) as a framework best suited to support this cultural transformation.
- Zero Suicide of Australasia video series: In the following set of videos, Australian health care leaders, researchers, and individuals with lived experience share their early experiences of implementing Zero Suicide, lessons learned, and how to adopt each of the seven elements of Zero Suicide.
- Recommended Recordings
Check out these recordings of past "Getting Started with Zero Suicide" and "Getting Further with Zero Suicide" webinars to learn more about how to kickstart your Zero Suicide journey:
- Support from Zero Suicide Institute
Zero Suicide Institute offers training and consultation to support your Zero Suicide implementation. To further your implementation goals, we recommend:
Getting Further with Zero Suicide Consultation
Getting Further with Zero Suicide: Just Culture & Lived Experience
To stay up to date with all things Zero Suicide, you can join our Zero Suicide Listserv

Kathy Lisborg, licensed clinical social worker and senior project associate, is experienced in implementation science, mental health, substance use, LGBTQ issues, and trauma-informed care.